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Aw shucks!
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Thanks for the kind words chaps! Sorry for being late - work net connection's been down.

You're welcome to 'pinch' a pic Nigel. More than one should you feel the urge. As a matter of interest, which one(s) do you have in mind?

There are very few gaps in the trees on Marlborough Mound. Those 2 pics I took are through a couple of the few views you can get! So your answer is 'You can't see much!'

When you say 'the end of the Ridgeway' where do you mean Nigel?

I take occasional 'close' pics with a 'long/big/telephoto' lens too actually - it does interesting things with depth and perspective. Like some of the ones of West Kennett Avenue.

It works a lot better on bright days!!!

(Quite apt really that I happen to be using it in the pic on my profile!)



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Posted by Moth
3rd October 2003ce

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Re: Aw shucks! (nigelswift)

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