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Re: Kiltiernan
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Do you know where the ruined church is on Bishop's Lane? Take the laneway that runs down the side of that and go in a complete U-shape. The lane then come to a big bartn on the right. If you follow the farm track to the right from here (next to possible new building - there was a planning permission sign on the gate last time I was there) you come to a gate. Over/through the gate and along behind a high garden wall. The track opens out into a field at the end of this wall. The tomb is about 75m up to your right in the gorse.

I have been a few times and one occasion we met the farmer in the field who was not too bothered by us going to the tomb. I think the farm that owns the land is up the hill past the aforementioned barn if you feel more comfortable asking first.

If you have any more questions you can contact me through megalithomania


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Posted by FourWinds
18th May 2004ce

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Kiltiernan (VanUsal)

Messages in this topic:

    Kiltiernan (VanUsal, May 18, 2004, 12:46)
    • Re: Kiltiernan (FourWinds, May 18, 2004, 14:00)