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Walshaw Dean
Re: Walshaw Dean - Location?
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Paulus wrote:
< He simply told: "The position of the circle is on the left hand side of the valley going up, a few yards above the damn of the second reservoir."

That gives me a lot more confidence that what I found could be it, my spot is ‘on the left hand side of the valley going up, a few yards above the damn of the second reservoir’, the stones are in amongst the lining stones of the reservoir and are in a circle roughly 10m in diameter. I could identify what looked to be six stones of a circle, which look much older & more eroded than the casement stones. If this is the circle it’s a miracle its survived so close to the dam. I would estimate that these stones will be under about 3m of water when the reservoir fills up.

Incidentally whilst up here I took a look at the nearby Sutcliffe’s Rough stones, two of which are over the fence in Pisser Rough, should these two get their own site – The Piss Stones perhaps?

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Posted by LivingRocks
29th August 2006ce

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Re: Walshaw Dean - Location? (Paulus)

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