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Re: Aberdeenshire and Donald Trump
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Trump is building a golf course near Balmedie, north of Aberdeen on top of ancient sand dunes and a reserve. St Andrew's is famous for several golf courses but this is going to be a tragedy. The road system won't cope, Aberdeen airport is 12 miles away, no railhead and the proposed ring road for Aberdeen won't be coming this far. Many locals have protested against, Martin Ford, former head of council, was sacked, basically Trump has bought up the opposition except for one farmer. He even found some long lost relatives on the Isle of Lewis to make himself look more pro-Scottish. I've always protested against this muppet and I'm ashamed to say that the SNP including Salmond have basically given it the go ahead. In the end the hotel, houses and golf course will only be used by the mega rich, there is practically no chance of locals playing this course, I play as well but being a teuchter fae Turra (20 miles away) no chance for me. Funnily enough there is a better golf course being designed just north of Stonehaven by Jack Nicklaus, the world's best ever golfer. Good guy checked the area, consulted the locals and is using a ruined hotel for the clubhouse. The dunes on Balmedie sands are forever changing and it's scary to think what might be damaged underneath once the machinery gets to work.

The best example of this is to the north on the Ythan Estuary at Forvie. Now a protected area and bird reserve. It also has the remains of a very old village and church. For the people on this site several kerb cairns and a ring cairn have appeared, and going by last summer's aerial pics more might be coming thru. The whole area is simply stunning for it's beauty and there are several good walks (the kerb cairns are difficult to find, as no path leads to them, but they are all reasonably close to each other). You'll also find some pics that I took of Forvie, look in the Aberdeenshire section. If you need help just leave a message here and I'll do my best to assist.

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Posted by drewbhoy
5th January 2010ce

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Aberdeenshire and Donald Trump (faerygirl)

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