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Marlborough Mound
Re: Marlborough Mound
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tiompan wrote:
A new paper on the Marlborough Mound dates the start of its construction at 2580–2470 cal BC and completion approx 2300–2040 cal BC with a 68% confidence in 2280–2140 cal BC . The Sherrington mound and at least one of three mounds at Hampstead Marshall are also considered as potentially similar monuments dating to the same period as Marlborough and Silbury .

Hi Tiompan, is this more or less this line with Jim Leary's excavations of 2011 which were saying it dated back 4,400 years.[...]nd-wiltshire-silbury-neolithic
I was there in March as had been invited to a concert in the Marlborough Chapel ... it was bitterly cold with still dark evenings so I didn't get a chance to have a good look. What it does have in common with Silbury is its connection to the river Kennet which flows nearby through the grounds of the college (the Kennet and Winterbourne being the same river really)
I understand, though can't remember who told me, that the Silbaby mound (also by the Kennet near WKLB) has been found not to be prehistoric but don't know if this has been 'officially' verified.

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Posted by tjj
13th May 2013ce

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Marlborough Mound (tiompan)

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Re: Marlborough Mound (tiompan)

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