The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian




From the shortened NT Gazetter by Siobhan Geraghty (which was available on the local council website for a while)

One family have owned this land since the 18th century if not before. The land is now rented out and the big house sold.
The archaeological sites include a (round?) castle or tower-house and Rathurles ‘ring fort’ probably a ritual inauguration or assembly site either iron age or pseudo Iron age (12th century?).
Rathurles fort and church. (Fort only, described as ‘Prehistoric Trivallate Rath’). The medieval stone church in the fort is in good condition although roofless and with 4 yew trees growing in it; these trees will eventually have to be removed. Several 19th and 20th century members of the landowning family (Breretons) are buried outside the church in the interior of the fort.
The fort is surrounded by very large (150yr+) beech trees, which are simultaneously a heritage feature in their own right and a potential threat to the archaeological heritage. The interior is overgrown with nettles, thistles and docks, and was displaying a good butterfly fauna at the time of my visit.
bawn79 Posted by bawn79
29th December 2014ce

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