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Dolmen de Kermario

Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech

<b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by MothImage © Tim Clark
Latitude:47° 35' 44.79" N
Longitude:   3° 4' 1.77" W

Added by Spaceship mark

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<b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by ryaner <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by postman <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by postman <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by postman <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by postman <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by postman <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by Moth <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by Moth <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by fitzcoraldo <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by Jane <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by Spaceship mark <b>Dolmen de Kermario</b>Posted by Kammer


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Visited 16.09.23

Dolmen de Kermario is located in the SW corner of Alignement de Kermario, c. 40m SW from the nearest stone. It has the appearance of an Allee Couverte.
Posted by markj99
2nd October 2023ce

This Allee Couverte is situated right by the side of the road on the D196 or Route de Kerlescan (or the stone road), so it really cant be missed, despite all the lovely long rows of stones.
But, it's on the wrong side of the fence, the fence that keeps people from wandering at will among the stones. Still, it's a very half hearted fence only waste high, easily jumped in a moment even by , say, a twelve year old boy.
Four large white rounded stones lie across the waste high orthostats and traces of the cairn still cling to the sides of these. It has the almost obligatory south east facing entrance, whether the winter solstice sun shines down the passage like nearby Kercado I couldn't say. Perhaps it was enough just to point the right way.
Because of the fence cutting the stones off from the road the surrounding flora has really flourished, ferns, grasses, a bit of gorse and buttercups on grass inside the dolmen.
We were going to come back later in the evening when everyone not obsessed has returned to their normal holidaying activities, but something came up and we never made it.
Out of season would be most ideal, i believe it is open to the wanderer out of season, but exactly when that it is I'm still a touch unclear. Mid October would be nice.
postman Posted by postman
8th September 2014ce
Edited 10th September 2014ce