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Danebury Round Barrows

Round Barrow(s)

Nearest Town:Andover (8km N)
OS Ref (GB):   SU33393764 / Sheet: 185
Latitude:51° 8' 11.36" N
Longitude:   1° 31' 21.74" W

Added by Chance

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Details of barrows on Pastscape

Three Bronze Age bowl barrows and an elongated barrow, previously described as a 'short' long barrow, possibly two conjoined barrows. Part scheduled.

('A' SU 33563767) Tumulus (NR) ('B' SU 33393764) ('C' SU 33833761) Tumuli 3 Bowl Barrows.
A: A short long barrow cut off at its western end by a modern road. Now measures some 25.0m in length and 20.0m in width and up to 1.8m in height. No visible ditches overgrown with yew.
B: A small bowl barrow some 12.0m in diameter and 0.2m in height. Clearly overlies the bank of a presumed Ranch Boundary running appx E-W into the Danebury Hill fort area (SU 33 NW 22).
C: A bowl barrow reduced by ploughing and now measuring 28.0m in diameter and 0.3m in height. the ditch can be traced as a darker soil mark.
SU 33563767. Barrow 'A' rejected as a long barrow, but described as a "single, elongated barrow surrounded by a continuous ditch". The ditch has been traced by geophysical survey and probing as a continuous feature in the surrounding arable field.
Chance Posted by Chance
7th June 2014ce