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Re: Appeal for advice
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bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
Paulson wrote:
That's great......thanks for the advice.
I'll contact EH's Heritage at Risk Officer & get their input.
Thanks again.

No problem. For what it's worth my beef was the same as yours, that the circle had been allowed to virtually vanish into the peat and be covered by a type of creeping gorse mixed in with the turf. Not a single stone now stands and you can search for the circle for hours!
My approach to them, rightly or wrongly, was that they were responsible for the upkeep of all the scheduled monuments in their care and that they should all be treated equally instead of just the iconic sites taking precedent. If they can't do that then let others who can. I have offered to take it upon myself to totally clean up the circle by clearing all the growth off the stones and re-exposing those stones now lying buried immediately under the turf and to remove the huge gorse bush growing in the middle of it, but NOT to dig beneath the top level of the stones or move them in any way.
She told me they would be foolish not to take me up on the offer because it was very unlikey to be carried out by them as it wasn't a priority to them and the money!
I think it important to come over as a sensible, caring and responsible type of person whose only interest is to put something back into a hobby that has given you years of pleasure and who wishes to see our heritage still there for many many years to come. I'm sure you are one such person.

I will look forward to visiting Craddock moor when you've completed your tidy up Roy [are you gonna do it in the summer?], It needs a visit as i've not been since 2002.

Yes if I get the go ahead Paul. Can't wait to re-expose the 7ft tall one to the north-west I found in the setting and the big triangular one to the west! And I'm hoping to get permission to help out at the twin circle on Emblance Down being re-erected as and when.

Have you ever been to Leskernick South Circle Roy? Now that would be a great circle to put the stones back up [they're all down], it's like Craddock moor but without the growth, Take a look at Gladman's Photo he put on the other day to see what I mean, It would look even more amazing with it's stones up, it is near Brown willy so a re - erection would be fitting : > }

Yes I have Paul..well I found the one with the whale-back stone in it at the base of the hill, the other one was really unsighted. I'll check Gladders pix out. Great hut circles there as well, quite an area of occupation and loads of small standing stones and cists.

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Posted by Sanctuary
13th February 2013ce

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Re: Appeal for advice (bladup)

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