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Re: Appeal for advice
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harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Ok, to play devils advocate (only slightly though) is it only me that thinks this is all a bit silly ?

This is a 30yr old "work", i say work because it's not art is it, i can't personally determine what i'd call it but for me it's not within the remit of this site. If there's a chance this could jeapordise 250m quids worth of local investment in somewhere where it sounds like it's badly needed then i'd have no qualms relocating it. I've a self built circle in my garden, but if i move out should the next owner have to preserve my 5 year old folly ?

(Sorry Paul ;) )

Is this meant to be in the sighthill thread?

No Paul, it's in the correct place. Sighthill with a bit of TLC would be very much like Barbrook 3, a little visited gem where you could almost guarantee solitude. :)

What's the 30 year old work, I'm confused % > }

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Posted by bladup
14th February 2013ce

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Re: Appeal for advice (harestonesdown)

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Re: Appeal for advice (harestonesdown)

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