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Annadorn (Passage Grave) — Links


Location map

Dunnaman (Chambered Tomb) — Images (click to view fullsize)

<b>Dunnaman</b>Posted by greywether<b>Dunnaman</b>Posted by greywether

Drumena (Stone Fort / Dun) — Images

<b>Drumena</b>Posted by greywether<b>Drumena</b>Posted by greywether

Kilfeaghan (Portal Tomb) — Images

<b>Kilfeaghan</b>Posted by greywether

Goward (Portal Tomb) — Images

<b>Goward</b>Posted by greywether

Millin Bay (Cairn(s)) — Images

<b>Millin Bay</b>Posted by greywether<b>Millin Bay</b>Posted by greywether<b>Millin Bay</b>Posted by greywether<b>Millin Bay</b>Posted by greywether

Millin Bay (Cairn(s)) — Fieldnotes

In you're in County Down and you've got as far east as Audleystown and you're wondering if it's worth the cost and the effort of getting the ferry over to Portaferry so you can visit this site, the answer is - probably not.

It's a site that produced interesting results on excavation in 1953 but it has been back-filled to its pre-excavation state and all you can see now is a grassy mound with some stones sticking out.

The excavation revealed an oval of standing stones within which was another oval of thin slabs on end surrounding a long cist full of bones neatly sorted and stacked. Some of the stones carried crude passage grave style art.

Millin Bay (Cairn(s)) — Links


Location map

Ballynoe (Stone Circle) — Images

<b>Ballynoe</b>Posted by greywether<b>Ballynoe</b>Posted by greywether<b>Ballynoe</b>Posted by greywether

Audleystown (Court Tomb) — Images

<b>Audleystown</b>Posted by greywether<b>Audleystown</b>Posted by greywether

Legananny (Portal Tomb) — Images

<b>Legananny</b>Posted by greywether<b>Legananny</b>Posted by greywether<b>Legananny</b>Posted by greywether

Callaigh Berra's House (Passage Grave) — Miscellaneous

At 1894 feet, this is said to be the highest surviving passage grave in the British Isles.

Callaigh Berra's House (Passage Grave) — Images

<b>Callaigh Berra's House</b>Posted by greywether<b>Callaigh Berra's House</b>Posted by greywether

Clontygora - Court Tomb — Images

<b>Clontygora - Court Tomb</b>Posted by greywether<b>Clontygora - Court Tomb</b>Posted by greywether

Ballymacdermot (Court Tomb) — Images

<b>Ballymacdermot</b>Posted by greywether<b>Ballymacdermot</b>Posted by greywether

Beaghmore (Stone Circle) — Images

<b>Beaghmore</b>Posted by greywether<b>Beaghmore</b>Posted by greywether<b>Beaghmore</b>Posted by greywether<b>Beaghmore</b>Posted by greywether<b>Beaghmore</b>Posted by greywether<b>Beaghmore</b>Posted by greywether

Creggandevesky (Court Tomb) — Links


Map showing the location of Creggandevesky.

Creggandevesky (Court Tomb) — Images

<b>Creggandevesky</b>Posted by greywether<b>Creggandevesky</b>Posted by greywether

Creggandevesky (Court Tomb) — Fieldnotes

Creggandevesky (Stony place of black water) court tomb lies on the west of Lough Mallon. It has been restored after excavation between 1979 and 1982.

To access it, park on the road running E of Lough Mallon and take the path which skirts S of the lough.

The court and three-chamber gallery (opening to the SE) are impressive. The lintel over the gallery entrance is still in position (with a little help!).

Cregganconroe (Court Tomb) — Images

<b>Cregganconroe</b>Posted by greywether<b>Cregganconroe</b>Posted by greywether<b>Cregganconroe</b>Posted by greywether

Cregganconroe (Court Tomb) — Fieldnotes

This court grave is aligned E/W with the court in the E. The outline of the cairn some 30m long by 15m wide can still be seen.

The line of the court can still be traced reasonably well and especially around the gallery entrance where the stones are still standing.

The gallery is 6m long and has two compartments. One capstone remains but has fallen.

In the W of the cairn are two subsidiary chambers opening to the N and S.

Tomb 1 (Passage Grave) — Images

<b>Tomb 1</b>Posted by greywether

Carrowmore Complex — Images

<b>Carrowmore Complex</b>Posted by greywether<b>Carrowmore Complex</b>Posted by greywether<b>Carrowmore Complex</b>Posted by greywether<b>Carrowmore Complex</b>Posted by greywether<b>Carrowmore Complex</b>Posted by greywether<b>Carrowmore Complex</b>Posted by greywether<b>Carrowmore Complex</b>Posted by greywether
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James Thurber

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