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Lough Gur Wedge Tomb — Images (click to view fullsize)

<b>Lough Gur Wedge Tomb</b>Posted by greywether

Grange / Lios, Lough Gur (Stone Circle) — Images

<b>Grange / Lios, Lough Gur</b>Posted by greywether

Labbacallee (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Labbacallee</b>Posted by greywether<b>Labbacallee</b>Posted by greywether<b>Labbacallee</b>Posted by greywether

Parknabinnia (Cl. 69) (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Parknabinnia (Cl. 69)</b>Posted by greywether<b>Parknabinnia (Cl. 69)</b>Posted by greywether

Parknabinnia (Cl. 69) (Wedge Tomb) — Fieldnotes

Another of the many wedge tombs in the townland of Parknabinnia - number 69 in the Co Clare inventory of megalithic tombs.

This one lies 0.4km SSW of the better known site near the road. It sits on a field wall but is still well preserved.

Parknabinnia (Cl. 67) (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Parknabinnia (Cl. 67)</b>Posted by greywether<b>Parknabinnia (Cl. 67)</b>Posted by greywether

Creevagh (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Creevagh</b>Posted by greywether

Shanballyedmond (Court Tomb) — Images

<b>Shanballyedmond</b>Posted by greywether<b>Shanballyedmond</b>Posted by greywether<b>Shanballyedmond</b>Posted by greywether

Knockcurraghbola Commons (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Knockcurraghbola Commons</b>Posted by greywether<b>Knockcurraghbola Commons</b>Posted by greywether<b>Knockcurraghbola Commons</b>Posted by greywether

Baurnadomeeny (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Baurnadomeeny</b>Posted by greywether<b>Baurnadomeeny</b>Posted by greywether<b>Baurnadomeeny</b>Posted by greywether<b>Baurnadomeeny</b>Posted by greywether<b>Baurnadomeeny</b>Posted by greywether

Baurnadomeeny (Standing Stone / Menhir) — Images

<b>Baurnadomeeny</b>Posted by greywether

Littlegrange (Passage Grave) — Images

<b>Littlegrange</b>Posted by greywether<b>Littlegrange</b>Posted by greywether

Kilmashogue Wedge Tomb — Images

<b>Kilmashogue Wedge Tomb</b>Posted by greywether

Ballyedmonduff (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Ballyedmonduff</b>Posted by greywether<b>Ballyedmonduff</b>Posted by greywether

Knowth — Fieldnotes

I've posted some images of kerbstones from the NW quadrant not previously posted. The references are (1) to the K numbering system used by the excavator George Eogan to number the kerbstones consecutively clockwise starting from the break in the NE (11 is at the E entrance and 74 at the W entrance) and (2) the quadrant (NW, NE, etc) numbering system used by Martin Brennan.

I've also posted some images of inside the smaller tombs taken in 1993 shortly after Knowth opened to the public and they had a more relaxed attitude to what you could see. These smaller tombs are not now open to the public.

Knowth — Images

<b>Knowth</b>Posted by greywether<b>Knowth</b>Posted by greywether<b>Knowth</b>Posted by greywether<b>Knowth</b>Posted by greywether

Grianan of Ailech (Stone Fort / Dun) — Images

<b>Grianan of Ailech</b>Posted by greywether<b>Grianan of Ailech</b>Posted by greywether<b>Grianan of Ailech</b>Posted by greywether

Grianan of Ailech (Stone Fort / Dun) — Fieldnotes

Impressive circular stone fort - a bit less so when you realise it was largely destroyed in 1101 and then significantly restored in 1870. Worth it for the view.

Interior space - about 23m diameter.

Punchestown Standing Stone (Standing Stone / Menhir) — Images

<b>Punchestown Standing Stone</b>Posted by greywether

Drumhawnagh (Chambered Tomb) — Images

<b>Drumhawnagh</b>Posted by greywether

Athgreany (Stone Circle) — Images

<b>Athgreany</b>Posted by greywether<b>Athgreany</b>Posted by greywether

Aghnacliff (Portal Tomb) — Images

<b>Aghnacliff</b>Posted by greywether

Poulnabrone (Portal Tomb) — Images

<b>Poulnabrone</b>Posted by greywether<b>Poulnabrone</b>Posted by greywether

Gleninsheen (Wedge Tomb) — Images

<b>Gleninsheen</b>Posted by greywether<b>Gleninsheen</b>Posted by greywether

Proleek (Portal Tomb) — Images

<b>Proleek</b>Posted by greywether<b>Proleek</b>Posted by greywether

Annadorn (Passage Grave) — Images

<b>Annadorn</b>Posted by greywether

Annadorn (Passage Grave) — Fieldnotes

You probably wouldn't want to go out of your way to see this site but it is roughly equidistant from Legananny and Audleystown.

A large capstone is the most visible feature. The chamber it covers may be a portal tomb but there are early accounts of a large cairn and a lintelled passage so it may also be a passage grave.

Michael Herity certainly includes it in his book on passage graves mentioning accounts of an 18m diameter cairn and a passage open to the NE.
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