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Hill of Tara
Re: For those that wish to help at Tara
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rockhopper wrote:
Good grief, pseuds corner....Whilst tara is undoubtedly important, there is much else in Ireland that is equally so. Why this preoccupation with tara? Where is the evidence that this was indeed the seat of the kings of ireland? I see much speculation and very few hard facts. The one fact i do see is that some irish archaeologists decided years ago that tara was the place, staked their reputations upon it, and everyone else has followed suit. Wake up people, the emperor has no clothes.l

Regardless of whether it was the seat of the kings, the archeaeology is worth preserving; neolithic, bronze age iron age, you name it, it has it in buckets!

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Posted by Vicster
9th September 2007ce

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Re: For those that wish to help at Tara (BrigantesNation)

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