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Re: So anyway...
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lilydee05 wrote:
Glad that someone has opened a positive thread for this fantastic news.

I feel a little worried on how to contribute to this thread in fear of "taking anyone's glory" or upsetting anyone, do you think it appropriate etiquette to wait until after MPP has done his talk before I contribute the limited knowledge I have of my parts of the dig to this thread?


Lilydee. x

What you decide to do with your information Lilydee is, of course, up to you. Personally, I've never been very happy when people say, "Look this is just between you and me." or, "Look, I'm telling you this in the strictest confidence." as it places a gagging order on those 'under the rose' and a block on its wider dissemination (when often a wider dissemination of information might, actually, be for the greater good). I'll go along with confidences of a personal nature but anything much outside that has the smell of 'information control' to me. This is Britain of the 21st century and not, even with all its present control freakery shortcomings, Communist China, North Korea or some patriarchal Arab state where control of the media is used to suppress or manipulate the flow of knowledge, information, free-speech and, in the end, the advancement of society as a whole.

So... I now tend to respond to any sub rosa whisper in my ear with a, "Sorry, I can't take onboard your restrictions so you can either tell me what you know (with the understanding that I'll make my own decisions whether or not to share that information with others) or you may prefer not to tell me at all." That tends to clear the air and allows for a more honest sharing of information between friends and groups. Personally, I believe the non-sharing of information is likely to foster mistrust, resentment and the eventual collapse of friendships, groups and even of societies. The situation is probably made even worse when something that was once known to one or two members of a group is then disclosed later to the whole group with a, "Sorry, but it was told to me in confidence." escape clause.

Sorry Goff, your thread is about discussing (openly and freely I hope) the Bluehenge discovery and so I'll say no more (at least not here :-) on the politics of that discovery. Hope MPP's talk goes well today Lilydee, and I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping you'll have something to say about it here.

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Posted by Littlestone
10th October 2009ce

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Re: So anyway... (lilydee05)

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Re: So anyway... (lilydee05)

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