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Re: Four posters in England
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I can't see any rhyme or reason in removing a stone from Ramsdale. The nearby farmland has been much improved and there are many large stones within the field walls, cup and ring stones found in the walls may provide is evidence that the farmers may have cleared cairns from the fields. However the Ramsdale stones are outwith the improved area and there are lots of stones laying around, presumably if a fourth stone existed it would be of a similar size to the other three, i.e. a big bugger.

The stone triangle idea was first mooted by Knox,a fascinating fella who wrote a wonderful book that was published in the mid 1800's following years of observation and survey, there's a copy on google books here[...]tiquarian#v=onepage&q=&f=false
His proposed triangles are a bit iffy to say the least but they are based on years of local observation.

We like things in threes on the North York Moors :-)


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Posted by fitzcoraldo
25th November 2009ce

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Re: Four posters in England (bladup)

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