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Re: The Red Lion, Avebury
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juamei wrote:
Defence of the staff and Red Lion in general

I agree with posters here that the staff at the Red Lion are nice especially when you chat to them.

However, lets not beat about the bush, the food is on occasion pretty bad, on occasion relatively good too. It used (4-5 years ago) to be very good. IMO its overpriced for the average quality and well overpriced if you are unlucky and eat there on a bad day.

Also the toilets are awful, though I remember stepping round a large pool of water there 5 years ago so I don't think they have really changed much!

I think what fascinates me the most about going to the Red Lion is to sit outside of a weekend at a table/bench at lunchtime and still hear the same comments and questions being made about the stones as they were when I was a young man of 16 visiting it for the first time with my parents and drinking a Coke through a straw. Nothing much has changed...except I prefer a pint now!!

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Posted by Sanctuary
21st September 2010ce

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Re: The Red Lion, Avebury (juamei)

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