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Castercliff Camp
Re: Whats this then?
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Both your stone and FW's look like natural cupmarks to me, though it's always difficult to tell from a piccy. Natural CM's tend to be smoother in the actual cupmark than man made ones and the edges of the CM are usually sharper and more defined with the cups being a lot deeper and often all the way through the stone.
Saying that though, natural cupmarks, I believe, would have caught the imagination of megalith builders and this has filtered down through folklore in terms of 'hag stones'- stones with natural holes through them that are beleived to ward off evil spirits. I like em!
I found a site last year which has both natural and what looks like man-made CM's on the same stone;
I re-visited last week with the digi cam and will post some better pics soon.

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Posted by Martin
9th September 2004ce

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Whats this then? (treehugger-uk)

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