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Silbury Hill
The Silbury Game
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I was watching TMA, last nite, in order to psyche myself up for an impending visit to Orkney...during the Avebury segment; when walking along the Ridgeway south, Silbury appears to ride along the back Waden hill. Now, would Waden hill always been tree or shrub free? Are there any enviromental archaeologists who would know what was going on on Waden Hill 5000 years ago? If there were trees ( I think there is evidence to show that the area around Avebury was largely uncultivated) the Silbury Game wouldn't have worked. Maybe it was too windy on top of Waden hill, and there was just scrubland. Anyone shed any clues on this potentially Silburygame destroying point?

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Posted by FurryDan
18th June 2001ce

2 replies:

Re: The Silbury Game (Arthur)
Re: The Silbury Game (Vox Phantom)

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