The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Bunbury Hillfort



Details of hillfort on Pastscape

A univallate hillfort situated within the grounds of Alton Towers. It is situated on a naturally defensible spur of land which falls away westwards towards the river Churnet, and is defended to the north and east by the valley of the Slain Hollow. The site was surveyed by RCHME field staff in 1988. The survey identified that only a fraction of the original hillfort earthworks survive following prolonged and extensive destruction through land use. It was likely that the hillfort once covered a much wider area than suggested by the existing earthworks. The surviving defences comprise two main sections of rampart along the northwest and southwest escarpment edges. Both sections appear to be of a single construction phase. A low bank along the southwest escarpment edge, which has in the past been interpreted as a boundary bank, was identified as another section of original rampart. The survey also identified an isolated bank, 23 metres in length and 3 metres high which also may be a remnant of the original hillfort defences. An element of the rampart is also visible on lidar, and was mapped as part of the Staffordshire National Mapping Programme project. The latest condition of the site could not be discerned due to tree cover. Scheduled.
Chance Posted by Chance
29th April 2016ce
Edited 29th April 2016ce

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