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West Wood

Barrow / Cairn Cemetery


Mr Cane was clearly on a bit of a downer following his visit here some years back now... hey, it happens, doesn't it just? However, since the vegetation (judging by his images) was fortunately less overwhelming during my early Spring sojourn, I found myself in a position to disagree. Yeah, I liked it here and would recommend coming, this despite the woods proving a lot more popular with (non-antiquarian-minded) folk than I had anticipated.

Indeed, the eastern of the southern pair (of those monuments marked upon the map, that is - there are, apparently, a further three within the environs of West Wood not troubling the cartographers for whatever reason) is a particularly fine specimen of a bowl barrow, complete with encircling ditch. Its neighbour to the west, although not of comparable stature, is pretty substantial, too... the northernmost example, completing the OS annotated trio, slightly less so.

Access is straighforward from the B2068 - a Roman Road, aka 'Stone Street' - although the downside to that demonstrable obsession with 'straightness' is the traffic fair motors past; hence, there is some traffic noise to deny a perfect ambience. Note also that it is unwise to attempt to take a direct line (through the break in the trees) from the eastern of the southern pair of monuments to the western... if you value your legs, that is. Industrial-strength brambles all the way.

Incidentally, note that the round barrow at nearby Tumulus Farm (TR 13481 42341) is apparently of Roman origin. Sigh....
6th May 2024ce
Edited 11th May 2024ce

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