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King Arthur's Cave

Cave / Rock Shelter


If you have GPS, the precise NGR for King Arthur's Cave is SO 54574 15607. Living in Ross-on-Wye, I visit King Arthur's Cave, as well as many more in the area at least once per month and there is always something new to discover. There are several caves cut into the same piece of rock as King Arthur's and it is easy when visiting for the first time to think you have found it when you are actually not quite there. I made this mistake on my first visit. King Arthur's is the one with two large entrances next to each other.
There were large animal bones and flint tools discovered in the cave during 19th century excavations, which were unfortunately assisted by dynamite. Some of these can evidently be seen in both Monmouth and Hereford museums, though I haven't looked myself. I go to the caves to photograph their modern dwellers - bats, spiders etc. though I do also have an interest in the archaeology.
I often wonder about the origin of the name as of the many photos I have taken, whenever I photograph one particular rock formation inside using a flash, the shadows created always look like the figure of a knight. I wonder if this may have been noticed in the dim and distant past. Does anybody know?
Posted by Alan Wood
1st November 2002ce

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