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Bolton's Barrow

Round Barrow(s)

Nearest Town:Bere Regis (2km SW)
OS Ref (GB):   SY86059639 / Sheet: 194
Latitude:50° 45' 58.77" N
Longitude:   2° 11' 52.19" W

Added by Chance

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Details of barrow on Pastscape

Five bowl barrows including Bolton's Barrow on a west facing slope overlooking the Bere Valley. Three barrows are 30-32m across and up to 0.6m high. One is 23m across and 0.45m high. The other is known from air photos and is 18m across.

(SY 86099642) Bolton's Barrow (Tumulus) (NR) (1)
('A' - SY 86179641) "A single circular cropmark in clover Sept 1948".
('B' - SY 86129635) "Double concentric circle visible as cropmark".
('C' - SY 86099642) Bolton's Barrow. "Cropmark circle visible around barrow". (2)
'A' - Not visible in area under weeds.
'B' - Probable bowl barrow visible on ploughland as a vague mound, 28.0m diameter, 0.3m high to the south with possible ditch.
'C' - Bowl barrow, 30m north-south, 37m east-west and 0.6m high taken to the east, appears to be spread on the downhill side. No sign of ditch.
'D' - A near circular mound - possibly a bowl barrow, averaging 32m diameter and 0.6m high with no indication of ditch is visible at SY 86009640. (3)
'C'-(SY 86099642) Bolton's Barrow (NR)
'D'-(SY 86009640) Tumulus (NR) (4)
'B' - (114) - SY 86129635. Ditched bowl barrow, 69ft diameter and 1ft high. Two concentric ditches visible as crop-marks measure 31ft diameter and 6ft wide (inner) and 70ft diameter and 7ft wide (outer).
'C' - (115) - SY 86099642. Bolton's Barrow, a ditched bowl barrow, 80ft diameter and 1ft high with a 12ft wide ditch visible as a crop-mark.
'A' - (116) - SY 86179643. Barrow? Visible only as a crop-mark circle, 66ft diameter.
(Barrow 'D' has been omitted from the RCHM inventory for some reason). (5)
"SY 861964. Bolton's Barrow, round barrow. Scheduled". (6)
The barrows are presently under crop and inaccessible.
'A'. Not visible, not discernibe on air photographs (a) and not mentioned by Grinsell (b).
'B'. Not visible, though discernible on (a) and described by (b).
'C'. Visible in crop, discernible on (a) and described by (b).
'D'. Visible in crop, discernible on (a) but not described by (b).
'C' and 'D' are retained on M.S.D. as described by Authority (3). (7)
SY 86059639 Three bowl barrows 515m SE of East Field Farm, the easternmost known as Bolton's Barrow. The barrows each have a mound composed of earth, flint and chalk with maximum dimensions of between 30m-32m in diameter and between c.0.35-0.6m high. (8)
SY 86119633 Bowl barrow 600m SE of East Field Farm. The barrow survives as an earthwork 23m in diameter and c.0.45m high. (9)
SY 86169642 Bowl barrow 600m ESE of East Field Farm. This barrow is only visible on aerial photographs and has a diameter of 18m. (10)

( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) 6" 1902
( 2) Externally held archive reference Pte 6" (Dorset County Museum)
( 3) Field Investigators Comments F1 GCS 15-NOV-54
( 4) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) 6" 1963
( 5) Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England) 1970 An inventory of historical monuments in the County of Dorset. Volume two : south-east [in three parts] Pt 3 Nos 114-116 Page(s)437
( 6) General reference DOE (IAM) Ancient Monuments England 1977 Page(s)60
( 7) Field Investigators Comments F2 NJA 28-MAY-81
( 7a) Aerial photograph (OS 80/021 220-2 18.4.80)
( 7b) by L V Grinsell 1959 Dorset barrows Page(s)88
( 8) Scheduled Monument Notification 17-MAR-97
( 9) Scheduled Monument Notification 17-MAR-97
(10) Scheduled Monument Notification 17-MAR-97
Chance Posted by Chance
9th March 2012ce