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Kit Barrows

Round Barrow(s)

Nearest Town:Minehead (9km NE)
OS Ref (GB):   SS90034200 / Sheet: 181
Latitude:51° 9' 57.94" N
Longitude:   3° 34' 22.87" W

Added by Chance

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Details of barrows on Pastscape

[SS 9005 4206 and SS 9003 4200] Kit Barrows [NR] The Kit Barrows are two barrows 185ft apart from centre to centre. The first, is a flattened area of stones about 75ft. in diameter, from one part of which stone appears to have been recently removed. The second, is again a flattened area of stones from which much material has been taken. There are several very large blocks of stone still lying about, some as much as 3ft. in length. Diameter of the area - 53ft. No signs at either barrow of burnt stones - the result of beacon fires (2). Scheduled (3). (2)(3)
Both cairns have been robbed of almost all their material. They are now reduced to slight heather covered cairn rims enclosing patches of small stones, and a scatter of larger boulders. Published 1:2500 survey revised. They are listed by Grinsell as Cutcombe Nos. 7 and 8. (4)
Kit Barrows:
SS 9003 4200. Cutcombe 7. Levelled cairn 17-18 paces diameter.
SS 9005 4205. Cutcombe 8. Almost levelled cairn 25-26 paces diameter. Both visited by Grinsell 25th May 1958. (5)
Two cairns lie on a spur of Dunkery Hill, between Dunkery Beacon and Robin How, at SS 90042 42026 and SS 90073 42077. The cairn to the south (SS 90042 42026) has been severely robbed and comprises a low, heather covered rim 12.5m in diameter and a maximum of 0.6m high. Several large boulders are scattered across the centre, with a recent stone heap in the southern sector of the cairn. A depression to the south of the cairn appears to be a quarry scoop for the cairn material, being very similar to those associated with the large cairns at Robin How (SS 94 SW 2 and 4). The cairn to the north (SS 90073 42077) has also been robbed. It comprises a circular heather covered bank, 24m in diameter and 0.5m high. Three stone heaps lie across the centre of the cairn, which is a flat, heather covered area. An amorphous depression to the S may be a quarry scoop for cairn material. Many small depressions and hollows between Kit Barrows and the track to Dunkery Beacon may be the result of stone extraction. The cairns were surveyed using differential GPS as part of the RCHME Exmoor Project (6).SS 90054206; SS 90034201. Two prehistoric cairns known as Kit Barrows Cairns. Scheduling amended. (7)
Both of the Kit Barrow monuments have been transcribed as earthworks from aerial photographs as part of the Exmoor National Mapping Programme survey. The northern cairn is 23 metres in diameter and centred on circa SS 90064207. The southern mound is 15 metres in diameter and centred on circa SS 90044202. Both mounds show slight evidence for irregular, and probably damaged encircling ditches on aerial photographs of 1964, ranging from 4-10 metres wide.
Irregularly shaped pits or scoops are visible 50 metres to the south of the southern cairn and 60 metres to the east of the northern monument. As suggested above these may be the remains of quarries for cairn building material. (8-9)
Chance Posted by Chance
27th December 2014ce