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Tangeln (neu)

Chambered Tomb

<b>Tangeln (neu)</b>Posted by NucleusImage © Uwe Häberle 04/2019
Latitude:52° 38' 48.59" N
Longitude:   10° 59' 51.22" E

Added by Nucleus

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<b>Tangeln (neu)</b>Posted by Nucleus <b>Tangeln (neu)</b>Posted by Nucleus <b>Tangeln (neu)</b>Posted by Nucleus


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Another still unnumbered tomb was discovered in 2006 after hints from inhabitants. It is 800 meters southeast of Mellin and 700 meters south-southwest of Tangeln 5.

Most of the stones are said to have been taken away in the 1920s. The destruction is too strong to be associated with a particular type of tomb. The current state of preservation is very poor, only a few stones are still existing. A mound is missing because the tomb had been incorporated into a natural hill. A grave border can not be identified. The burial chamber is oriented east-west. Three wall stones and a capstone have been preserved above ground. The chamber is rectangular, 3.6 meters long and 2.3 meters wide.

To find this tomb, it is recommended to use a GPS device. Park at the (private) entranceway of Schloss Neumühle. A forest road starts left of the access. Follow the road slightly uphill for about 500 m. At the highest point, a path turns southwest sharply to the right. Follow this path, after 400 m you pass Tangeln 4 and 150 m further on Tangeln 5. 150 m after the turnoff to Tangeln 5 (that means 700 m after the sharp turn), another path turns off in a more southerly direction. Follow this path for about 570 m (last 50 m downhill) until you came to a T-junction. Turn right here further downhill and follow the narrow pass for about 70 m and look for a trail that leads up the left slope. Follow the trail and you should reach the tomb lies after about 100 m.

Visited April 2019
Nucleus Posted by Nucleus
11th May 2019ce
Edited 11th May 2019ce