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Money Burgh

Long Barrow

Nearest Town:Newhaven (2km SE)
OS Ref (GB):   TQ425037 / Sheet: 198
Latitude:50° 48' 52.9" N
Longitude:   0° 1' 22.9" E

Added by Rhiannon

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Money Burgh is an oval barrow (rather than a longbarrow) dating from the early to middle Neolithic. It's positioned on the crest of a chalk spur overlooking the floodplain of the River Ouse, and is still over 2m tall. It's been a bit damaged - along its top you can see where Mr Joseph Thompson of Deans, a nearby house, decided to open it in the 19th century. One suspects he may not have found the 'Money' the burgh promised, but apparently he did find some artifacts of some sort, and a skeleton (probably a later interment) which he gave to Lewes museum. The mound had characteristic banana shaped ditches running along its edges - instead of meeting at the ends they left an 8m causeway.

(Summarised using the SMR on MaGIc)
Rhiannon Posted by Rhiannon
28th April 2005ce
Edited 29th April 2005ce